
How to do Estate Planning?


We often talk about saving and investing for a financially secure future, but what about estate planning? Why isn’t it actively discussed? 

Estate planning is not only about money and possessions. It’s a journey that involves taking stock of your dreams, securing your family’s well-being, and even leaving a positive impact on the world.

Estate planning is a vital process that enables individuals to protect and distribute their assets & properties in a planned manner after their demise. 

This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide on estate planning; covering the basics, and key components, and highlighting the importance and benefits associated with this essential process.

Basics of Estate Planning 

Estate Planning is an essential part of financial planning. Before delving into the intricacies of estate planning, it is important to understand its fundamental concepts. 

Estate planning involves the creation of a road map to manage and distribute your assets in accordance with your wishes. It includes legal, financial, and personal aspects, ensuring that your loved ones are protected and provided for in the future. 

Let’s learn about the importance of Estate Planning through a classic example. 

When Dirubhai Ambani, one of the richest people in our country didn’t set his will and his family had to face the consequences. 

What Dirubhai thought would bring both brothers together, in reality, led to a huge feud between both.                        

Not just a one or two-year fight; it led to a 10-year-long fight that ended only after the mother (Kokilaben) entered the scene. 

In the grand division of their father’s empire, there was a 70:30 split. Mukesh, the older brother, emerged as the fortunate one, securing the traditional businesses that had made Reliance Industries a powerhouse. Among his acquisitions were the prized jewels like oil refining, firmly anchoring his position.

On the other hand, Anil, the younger sibling, received a handful of budding enterprises, such as Reliance Energy and Reliance Capital, brimming with potential.

And so, the saga unfolded. Mukesh, armed with his relentless drive and business acumen, embarked on a remarkable journey. He nurtured the Reliance Industries stake of 47%, valued at a staggering Rs 35,000 crore back in 2004, and skillfully transformed it into a colossal wealth of nearly Rs 8 lakh crore today. His triumphs were awe-inspiring, with success in all his endeavors.

Meanwhile, Anil faced an uphill battle. Despite his best efforts, the ventures he led—energy, defense, and entertainment—proved to be elusive victories. Fortune did not favor him in the same manner as his elder brother. His path was difficult packed with setbacks and disappointments, leaving him longing for the successes that Mukesh had seemingly effortlessly achieved.

If only Dirubhai Ambani had forethought and drafted a will to split the inheritance equally the scenario would have played out differently. Both the brothers would have saved lot a lot of time and energy that went into the feud. Anil would also not have had to deal with so many hardships.

This goes to show why Estate planning, and specifically, will writing are so important. 

Some crucial elements of Estate planning include:


A will is a legal document that outlines how your assets will be distributed after your death. It allows you to name beneficiaries, appoint guardians for minor children, and specify your funeral arrangements.


A Trust is an effective tool to manage and protect assets. By creating a trust, you can ensure that your assets are safeguarded, and they are distributed as per your instructions. A Trust can be revocable or irrevocable, depending on your needs.

One of the most iconic examples of a trust is the Tata Trust. The Tata Trust is a philanthropic organization established by the Tata family in India. It was founded in 1892 by Jamsetji Tata, the founder of the Tata Group, and is one of the country’s oldest and largest public charitable trusts. The Trust focuses on various areas such as education, healthcare, rural livelihoods, and social welfare, aiming to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities in need.

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney grants someone the authority to make financial or legal decisions on your behalf. It is crucial to designate a trustworthy individual who can act in your best interest if you become incapacitated or unable to make decisions.


Nominating beneficiaries for your financial assets, such as bank accounts, insurance policies, and investments, ensures a smooth transfer of these assets to the intended recipients after your demise.

Life Insurance

Life insurance provides financial security to your family in the event of your death. Life insurance also serves as a source of income and can be used to pay off debts, cover funeral expenses, or provide for your loved ones’ future needs.

Process of Estate Planning

Now that you understand the basic terms, let’s elaborate on the process of estate planning in simple terms and outline the steps. These steps will help to safeguard your family’s future. 

Step 1: Take Stock of Your Assets and Liabilities

Begin by creating a comprehensive list of your assets, including property, investments, bank accounts, insurance policies, and personal belongings. Simultaneously, make note of any outstanding debts, loans, or liabilities you have. This step will help you have a clear understanding of your financial situation.

Step 2: Identify Your Beneficiaries

Decide who you want to inherit your assets. It could be your spouse, children, parents, siblings, or any other person or organization you wish to include. Consider their needs, financial stability, and capabilities while making these decisions about your estate.

Step 3: Draft a Will

A will is a legal document that outlines your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets after your death. Consult with a lawyer who specializes in estate planning to help you draft a valid and enforceable will. Be specific in naming your beneficiaries, detailing the assets they will receive, and appointing an executor to carry out your instructions.

Step 4: Nomination and Joint Ownership

Ensure that you have nominated beneficiaries for your bank accounts, insurance policies, and other financial assets. This will expedite the transfer process and prevent disputes. Additionally, consider joint ownership of properties and investments, as it can allow for a smooth transfer of assets to the surviving owner.

Step 5: Establish Trusts

Trusts are legal arrangements that provide more control and flexibility in managing and distributing your assets. Consult a professional to determine if setting up a trust suits your circumstances. Trusts can help protect assets, reduce tax liabilities, and provide for specific needs, such as the education of minor children.

Step 6: Power of Attorney (POA)

Granting power of attorney to a trusted individual allows them to handle your financial and legal matters on your behalf in case of incapacitation. This ensures that someone can manage your affairs. That person can also make decisions when you are unable to do so.

To appoint a power of attorney in India, you first need to choose someone you trust to manage your affairs when you are unable to do so. Next, you must decide what tasks the person can handle for you and when they can act on your behalf.

Step 7: Review and Update Regularly

Estate planning is not a one-time process. Life circumstances change, and it is essential to review your estate plan periodically. Changes such as marriages, births, deaths, or significant financial changes may necessitate updates to your will, nominations, and beneficiaries.

Step 8: Seek Professional Guidance

Estate planning can be complex, and seeking professional guidance is highly recommended. Consult with an experienced lawyer or financial planner who specializes in estate planning. This is to ensure that your wishes are legally protected, your assets are distributed as per your intentions. In the end, these steps ensure that your family’s future is secure.

Importance of Estate Planning 

Estate planning holds immense significance for individuals and families. Here are some reasons why estate planning should be a priority for everyone:

Asset Protection

Estate planning allows you to protect your hard-earned assets from unnecessary taxation, legal complications, and unforeseen circumstances. Proper planning ensures that your assets are distributed as per your wishes, reducing the chances of disputes among beneficiaries.

Minor Children’s Guardianship

For parents with minor children, estate planning is crucial as it enables them to appoint guardians who will take care of their children’s upbringing if both parents pass away unexpectedly. This ensures that your children are placed under the care of someone you trust.

Avoiding Probate

Estate planning can help your loved ones avoid the probate process, which can be time-consuming, expensive, and emotionally draining. Properly structured estate plans can minimize the need for probate, allowing for a smoother transition of assets.

Healthcare Directives

Through estate planning, you can express your healthcare preferences in case of incapacitation. Documents like a living will or a healthcare power of attorney provide guidance to your family and healthcare professionals regarding your medical treatment choices.

Wealth Preservation

Estate planning strategies, such as trusts, can help preserve your wealth for future generations. By implementing measures to minimize estate taxes, you can ensure that your wealth continues to benefit your family and charitable causes close to your heart.

Benefits of Estate Planning 

Estate planning offers numerous benefits that extend beyond the distribution of assets. Some key advantages include:

Peace of Mind

By having a well-thought-out estate plan in place, you gain peace of mind knowing that your affairs are in order and your loved ones will be taken care of according to your wishes. This peace of mind is invaluable, as it alleviates the burden of uncertainty and provides reassurance during challenging times.

Family Harmony

Estate planning helps prevent conflicts and disputes among family members. By clearly outlining your intentions and distributing your assets in a fair and transparent manner, you minimize the potential for disagreements and resentments among beneficiaries. 

This promotes harmony and preserves family relationships.

Minimized Taxation

Effective estate planning can help minimize tax liabilities for your heirs. By utilizing strategies like gifting, trusts, and charitable contributions, you can reduce estate, income, and capital gains taxes. This allows your beneficiaries to retain a larger portion of their inheritance.

Business Continuity

If you own a business, estate planning plays a vital role in ensuring its smooth transition to the next generation. 

Through proper succession planning, you can designate successors, provide instructions for business operations, and protect the business’s value. This safeguards your legacy and preserves the continuity of your business.

Special Considerations

Estate planning allows you to address specific needs and concerns. For example, if you have a dependent with special needs, you can establish a trust that will provide for their long-term care. 

Similarly, you can include provisions for philanthropic endeavors or charitable donations, ensuring your values and passions continue to make a positive impact.

In Conclusion 

Estate planning is a comprehensive and multifaceted process that involves careful consideration of various components like wills, trusts, powers of attorney, nominations, and life insurance. 

By understanding the basics of estate planning and recognizing its importance, all of you can take proactive steps to protect assets, provide for your loved ones, and secure their legacy. 

From asset protection and minor children’s guardianship to minimizing taxation and preserving wealth, estate planning offers numerous benefits. Individuals can achieve peace of mind, promote family harmony, and ensure their wishes are carried out effectively by engaging in this crucial process. 

By increasing awareness of estate planning, we hope we empower individuals to take control of their financial future and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

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